Eric Wallen

Experience as a Full-Stack Web Developer

I started doing design and animation at the age of 16. It wasn’t long before I realized that I would need to build a website in order to show my design works to the world. This is where my journey began. Learning HTML and CSS was challenging for me but this is the reason I loved it so much. To me, it feels great being able to do things that take time, desire and learned skill to accomplish. From my perspective, web development is the ultimate design. When the user interface and functionality come together in just the right way that the user has an amazing experience it gives me a lot of satisfaction. I freelanced built websites for many years but had a burning desire to develop full-stack web applications. This is what led me to study JavaScript at Galvanize one of the most well-known coding boot camps around. Fast forward a few years and now I am the lead developer for a floating college campus - Semester at Sea.

Experience as Instructor

After graduating from Galvanize I was offered a job at Trilogy Education teaching full-stack development. I acquired 300 hours of in-classroom experience teaching to 30 or more students at a time, and 2,000 hours of one on one teaching experience. Through that, I learned how to tailor instruction in a way that students learn and understand the material in great depth. This is why I created Full-Stack Code Camp. It’s a better way to level up! - that's what Full-Stack Code Camp stands for. With my teaching platform, you learn topics like web development in a relaxed, fun and engaging way.